about me - a letter to you


My name is Michael and I’m a photographer based in Northern California. I approach my work in a simple, straightforward way, with minimal adornment, but with perspective. What I hope comes from that is a strong sense of authenticity and a connection to subject. Naturally curious, I have a wide-ranging interest in still life, portrait, and landscape photography, which you can see here.

I’m the father of two young men and a brother to three, well, slightly older men. I have a successful career in the public administration space and when I’m not working that day job, I’m focusing on building a broad and varied body of photographic work. In my free time, I enjoy being led on long walks by my dog Ranger, learning to play tennis, and spending time with the people I love.

If you’d like to reach out and perhaps work together on a project, don’t hesitate to do so with the form below. I hope to hear from you.

Thank you.


about - michael raymond greer

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